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Scripture Project Class Connects With India & Ukraine

Videoconference brings students together to discuss identity
Seven sophomores in Pat Connelly’s Scripture Project Class had the unique opportunity to connect with students from the Podar World School in India, and students from Hadiach Specialized School #4 in the Ukraine recently.
Together, they discussed via videoconference, the meaning of identity – how each student identifies him or herself and how that impacts those around them.
The videoconference was made possible by Generation Global – an organization that connects classrooms across the world, allowing students to explore, articulate, and develop their own views, while encountering and considering the views of others.
With the help of a trained facilitator, each school introduced itself to the others and after a slow start, the students began to feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts regarding identity, including how they identify themselves.
After testing the waters, Mr. Connelly and his class are excited to do this again, and hope to connect with schools from other parts of the globe. 
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